Monday, March 17, 2014

Two Friends Challenging Google

My homepage was started by two well connected young businessmen Massimo Agostinelli and Max Aengevelt who combine their work at myhomepage with studying at the European School of Business of London and Cass Business School. Quite an accomplishment when you look at just how much the startup has achieved within such a short period of time. 

Within just one year, myhomepage have a highly developed password management that is patent pending and online bookmarking tool that is up and running on the internet. It allows you to save bookmarks online.
myhomepage operates in an emerging and intriguing space and the business is already a main participant in a field in which heavy weights like Google and Microsoft have already expressed an interest. 

Massimo and Max have been close friends since meeting eachother at Hurtwood House school in Surrey, England and the two friends both have business in their blood. Both being heirs to well established and hugely successful family businesses that make high value equity investments all around the world.
But family contacts will not offer a free ride. The family businesses have provided the seed investment, but the founders are well aware that they will be required to make sure that the company can stand on its own two feet by receiving funding from external investors. 

Massimo and Max set about achieving the vision for myhompage in 2009 by assembling a team of excellent technical experts, advertising gurus and seasoned startup executives. myhomepage seeks to be a leading personal start page which allows users to save, organize and automatically log into their favorite bookmarks.
Integral to the successes thus far has been the fact that Massimo and Max extend the hand of friendship and also camaraderie to all members of the myhomepage team. 

The latest recruit to the team is the London web design company MintTwist. MintTwist have been involved since early in myhomepage's story, previously being contracted to re-design the design, look-and-feel and user friendliness. Knowing the value that exists inside of the company, MintTwist were delighted to agree on even closer ties, by becoming equity partners in the myhomepage business.
Massimo, Max, MintTwist and the rest of the staff members still have a long way to go. And are under no illusions with regards to the obstacles that lie ahead; firstly the team must establish that there is traction in the application by significantly raising the number of active users.
In a latest twist to their story, the team have now been set the challenging goal of achieving 50,000 new users within just 6 months. 

But as ever the two enigmatic entrepreneurs are not phased - "We will do it", they say.


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